Our authors

Rares Iordache


Rares Iordache is a digital media scholar at Faculty of Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, software theory analyst, net-art and internet researcher. He writes for journals and websites about digital media, social media and communications, VR, viral culture, computational culture, cybercultures and social impact of scientific and technological products.
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Kevin Orrman-Rossiter

Kevin Orrman-Rossiter

Kevin Orrman-Rossiter is a physicist, philosopher, freelance science writer, sometime triathlete, and experienced blogger of several blogs. As a child he grew up with a telescope, chemistry set, geologist’s pick and deep curiosity about the universe around him. His habit of asking many questions and then trying to understand the answers led him to a PhD in physics. His new blog here, Beyond Earth, will explore all subjects ‘astro’; whether that is a Mars exploration or the latest cosmological findings. He wants to share with readers the adrenalin rush of real science and the significance of science to us all. Web: http://lucidthoughts.com.au Twitter: @lucidkevinor
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Kelly Burnes

Kelly Burnes

Kelly Burnes is a policy analyst in New York City whose current research focuses on the early childhood care and education workforce sector. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Public Policy Administration, both from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She previously worked for municipal government in Atlanta, GA, addressing environmental issues, land use and transportation planning. Her personal research interests include the broad area of climate change – sustainable development and renewable energy – and examining ways to tie social media to these issues to elevate public awareness and education. In her spare time she enjoys outdoor activities, such as running, biking, hiking, kayaking and rock climbing.
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Jessie MacAlpine


Jessie MacAlpine is a grade twelve student from Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. A science fair alumnus, she has attended the Canada-Wide Science Fair five times, the Sanofi-Aventis BioGENEius Challenge and the National Youth Science Forum. As the Schools Outreach Director for Science Expo Youth Empowerment Group and presenter with Smarter Science, she encourages inquiry based learning in youth. Through her research, she has examined utilizing biochemical processes to create eco-friendly products, including a bioherbicide and anti-malarial drug.
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Americ Azevedo

Americ Azevedo

Americ Azevedo taught "Time, Money, and Love in the Age of Technology" and "Engineering Ethics" for the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley; and, "Meditation Theory and Practice" and "Leadership, Dialogue, and Actualization" for Peace & Conflict Studies, also at UC Berkeley.
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Sridhar Gutam

Sridhar Gutam

Sridhar Gutam, PhD is Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology) at Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow a constituent establishment of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). He had earned his doctoral degree from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and joined Agricultural Research Service of ICAR in January 2004. He is currently acting as convener of Open Access India. His interests are Plant Physiology, FOSS and Open Access. Follow Sridhar on Twitter @gutam2000 or contact at sridhar.gutam@australianscience.com.au or gutam2000@gmail.com
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Markus Hammonds


Markus Hammonds is a research fellow at the University of Tokyo who spends his life looking at very small things on very large scales, and trying to better understand the chemistry of interstellar space. He also writes for several science blogs, and is an advocate of the idea that science can and should be for everyone. When not busy being sciencey, he can often be found playing a ukulele, drinking mojitos or staring at the sky. Markus can be contacted via his personal blog at supernovacondensate.net or on twitter as @InvaderXan
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Zohreh Zare


Zohreh Zare is a senior research assistant in the School of Tourism, the University of Queensland, Australia. She has done her PhD on Marketing Strategy. She worked as lecturer and researcher at various universities. Moreover she has 12 years of industrial experience. Her research interests include marketing plans, sustainable development and the welfare and empowerment of communities. Publications: Zare, Z & H. Rastegar Ecotourism as a fluctuating source of income for local community, Journal of Environmental Research and Development, (2009) vol 3 No 4, pp 1024-1030 Ross, H. & Driml, S. and Zare, Z. (2012). Water Allocation, Social Change and Resilience in Water Policy Reform, Lessons in Sustainability from the Murray-Darling Basin, Edited by John Quiggin, Thilak Mallawaarachi and Sarah Chambers. Edward Elgar. Zare, Z. & H. Rastegar (2010). Role of Local Community Awareness in Implementation of Ecotourism, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, D. R. N. Pati & P. D. A. K. Jain. New Delhi Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
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Alan Kerlin

Alan Kerlin

Alan Kerlin, BAppSc (EnvSc), is an amateur astronomer and blogger, living in Canberra. When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon in 1969, Alan Kerlin and the rest of Red Hill Primary School in Canberra watched it on a single small black and white TV. In 2005, Alan moved back to Canberra, with his family. In between, Alan has had a diverse career, including as an elected Councillor in Queensland, IT business operator, Landcare manager in Holbrook, and greenhouse consultant in Brisbane. More recently, exposure to the online science community through social media has reignited Alan's interest in science in general, and particularly in astronomy. Living in Canberra gives him opportunities to connect with and interview numerous leading scientists. Find Alan on: Google+, Twitter and Facebook, and his blog is called The Beach House - a tribute to Douglas Adams.
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Ross Chapman

Ross Chapman

Ross Chapman is a scientist and writer based in Melbourne. By day he works for the Prince Henry's Institute, the Monash Institute for Medical Research and also for EcoGeonomix. During the night, he retreats to his garret where he writes about science, biology, and the environment. Through his writing, Ross celebrates the complexity and beauty of the world in which we live while exploring pathways to a secure, sustainable and prosperous future for humankind.
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David Borradale

David Borradale

David Borradale is a research dietitian currently in his final year of completing a PhD in health science at the Queensland University of Technology, where he is looking at how increased exposure to the sun’s radiation can affect levels of the B-vitamin folate in populations. While particularly interested and experienced in the medical and health science field, he has a strong interest in a wide range of diverse science disciplines such as cosmology and geology.
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Lauren Fuge


Lauren Fuge is a Creative Writing undergraduate at Flinders University in Adelaide, and she grew up wanting to write fantastical fiction, but recently realised that science can be just as amazing as fantasy—if not more so. This new passion for science has set her on a new career path: becoming a science writer, while still writing YA fiction on the side. She began her blogging career at the frequently updated sciencesoup.tumblr.com, where she aims to make science fun, mind-blowing, and accessible to everyone. Her twitter is @sciencesoup.
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Danielle Spencer

Danielle Spencer

I am a passionate primary school teacher and love discovering the world again with my primary school children. I work at Mitchelton State School. With a long and extensive background in pediatric nursing, I particularly enjoy teaching science and uphold experiential learning as best practice. After completing a Graduate Certificate in Primary Science, I jointly established an extra-curricular science club at my school. My personal research interest is in gender imbalances in the domain of science and effective practices that address this. Whilst I aim to generally promote the discipline of science, a primary aim of mine is to encourage girls’ participation and interest in science activities.
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Katie McIntyre

Katie McIntyre

As a curriculum leader at Mitchelton State School and passionate advocate of science working in a primary school, I take great pleasure in empowering students and teachers to explore subjects and ideas they are passionate about. I jointly established an extra-curricula science club at the school and have seen the students flourish in their scientific inquiry and their passion and enthusiasm for science.  With a background  in social science and education, including a Masters in Education I am passionate about students reaching their full potential in a supportive learning environment and the power of educators as life long learners to do the same.
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Rayna Stamboliyska


PhD Genetics & Bioinformatics Geek fond of free software working to achieve gender equality in science & tech. Former research assistant for Unesco. Editor & author for Bioinfo-fr.net, the first French-only resource on bioinformatics. Author for Global Voices Advocacy & FutureChallenges.org. I tweet under @MaliciaRogue and curate The Aggregator at SciLogs.
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Magdeline Lum


Magdeline Lum is a chemist, metallurgist, freelance science writer, photographer, blogger, podcaster, and infrequent fencer. Magdeline's role as a chemist has taken her into the halls of academia and to far flung minesites in Western Australia manned by Fly In Fly Out workers. Although Magdeline doesn't like surprises, she finds them absolutely delightful in science telling everyone around her about them. In her spare time, Magdeline volunteers as a scientist in the CSIRO Scientists in Schools and in Murdoch University's STAR Peer Tutoring Programme. Web: http://www.magdelinelum.com and http://philosohicallydisturbed.wordpress.com Google+: https://plus.google.com/109623666385337124310/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScientistMags Twitter: @ScientistMags
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Sharon Harnett


Sharon Harnett is an amateur astronomer based in Canberra. The drive to become a better observer, and understand the often bewildering world of astronomy lead to her completing an MSc in Astronomy in 2012. Sharon's interests in astronomy include meteor observing, planetary science, astrophotography, the history of astronomy, women in astronomy and astronomy outreach. Sharon's website is astrochix.com. You can contact her at info@astrochix.com, or follow @astrochix on Twitter.
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Amy Reichelt


Amy Reichelt is a postdoctoral researcher at UNSW, Sydney, having completed her PhD in Behavioural Neuroscience at Cardiff University, UK. Amy is particularly interested in memory, addiction, behavioural control and habit formation, and these themes are reflected in her research. When not in the laboratory or thinking about matters of the brain, Amy writes for The Conversation, involves herself in science public engagement activities, listens to music and enjoys living the Australian dream. Twitter: @TheAmyR Blog: Brainstemmed
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Jessica Smith


Jessica is a demystifier and implementor of technology, and is excited by technologies that empower and connect people. She is a 'triple threat' sysadmin (Linux/Windows/Mac), and has also served her time in web dev, tech support, and sales & marketing. You can read her blog at itgrrl.com, or follow her on Twitter as @itgrrl.
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Patrick Barnes

Patrick Barnes

Patrick Barnes is a tech writer and blogger from Brisbane, Australia. He writes articles on science, new technologies, cloud computing and related topics for several influential websites and blogs. He writes a blog on business and technology at BusinessZone.
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Elizabeth Howell

Elizabeth Howell

Elizabeth Howell is an award-winning space journalist based in Ottawa, Canada. Besides Australian Science, her work has been published in SPACE.com, the Globe and Mail, Universe Today, Space Exploration Network and numerous other publications. Elizabeth has appeared on several Canadian Broadcasting Corp. shows as a space expert. She covered three shuttle launches from Florida and extensively reported on astronaut Chris Hadfield's five-month mission on the International Space Station. A space geek since she watched the movie Apollo 13 as a teenager, Elizabeth's formal space education includes an M.Sc. Space Studies from the University of North Dakota. You can follow Elizabeth on Twitter at @howellspace, and you are welcome to visit her website at http://www.elizabethhowell.ca
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Alisa Bryce

Alisa Bryce

Alisa Bryce is an environmental scientist, writer, and occasional musician. With an almost obsessive interest in nutrition and the food chain, Alisa is currently researching urban agriculture, vertical farming, and the technologies that may make these ideas a mainstream reality. Alisa has recently returned from completing a Masters at the University of Cambridge where she studied climate change, politics and of course, urban agriculture.
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Buddhini Samarasinghe

Buddhini Samarasinghe

Buddhini Samarasinghe is a molecular biologist, with experience in cancer research. She completed her PhD at the University of Glasgow, UK and then recently completed a postdoctoral position at the University of Hawaii. Her science writing can be found at Jargonwall. She is also a passionate science communicator, engaging the public with current research in the life sciences. Where possible, she uses original research papers and describes the science minus the jargon! She is also involved in science outreach through broadcasts on YouTube and other social media sites.
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Milica Djekic

Milica Djekic

Milica Djekic is a Control Engineer from Subotica, Serbia with the special interest into wireless systems, speed enforcement systems, data security and mathematics, in general. She enjoys researching emerging technologies and she is also an author of several conference and journal papers as well as some Internet articles at Control Engineering websites.
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Ashton Jones

Ashton Jones

Ashton Jones is a market analyst for the organic agriculture sector in Georgia, U.S.A. His interest in science dates back to his stargazing youth; he has continued researching above, below, and everything in between. Ashton is passionate about the just implementation of science for the improvement of humanity and the power of people to create positive change.
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Lizz Rice

Lizz Rice

E. Rice wants to tell stories. In science she finds the narrative in discovery, imagination with credentials and never-ending unknowns. She has a BSc(Hons) in Psychology and when not perched on top of racehorses, she fluctuates between heady adventures and the weird little world she writes from. Find her at The Australia Times Science magazine, sharing mind-blowers @LittlePilau, and occasionally scribbling in a blog.
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Lia Paola Zambetti

Lia Paola Zambetti

I received my PhD in Hematology/Immunology from University College London (UCL), UK and my MSc in Human Genetics from Imperial College, UK. I am currently working in Singapore. I am passionate about science communication and I like reading and traveling in my spare time.
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Dan Petrovic


Dan Petrovic’s career started when he graduated from Griffith University with a Bachelor’s degree in Multimedia with an emphasis in Design. He later returned to Griffitth University as a guest lecturer and writes research papers on the topic of search engines. Mr. Petrovic’s interest in technology is what lead him to pursue a career in it. His professional focuses are in Link Building, Search Engines, Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation(SEO). He is also the owner and director of Dejan SEO. Mr. Petrovic is fluent in the English and Serbian languages. When he is not working, he enjoys hiking, riding his mountain bike, music composition and science fiction.
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Danica Radovanovic

Danica Radovanovic

Danica Radovanovic is an internet researcher and social media consultant. She is an academic and analyst in digital media. Danica provides consulting and training to both the government and non-government sectors. Follow her on Twitter: @DanicaR or read more from her at ‘Digital Serendipities’.
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